Weekly Notes 27/11/2024
DATE FOR THE DIARY Kilflynn Church Choir Christmas Carol Service Sunday 15th December at 6.00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church, Kilflynn . All are welcome. FASHION SHOW As with all events, it takes a huge amount of effort by many…
DATE FOR THE DIARY Kilflynn Church Choir Christmas Carol Service Sunday 15th December at 6.00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church, Kilflynn . All are welcome. FASHION SHOW As with all events, it takes a huge amount of effort by many…
JACKIE HORGAN – WHAT A STAR! Huge congratulations to our own Jackie Horgan on her PWC Camogie Soaring Star award. She was named at left corner forward on the team. A proud moment for all the Horgan family, her Clanmaurice and Kerry…
FASHION SHOW The annual Kilflynn fashion show is on Friday Nov 15th, in St. Columba’s centre Kilflynn at 8 pm, a night of fashion, style and fun guaranteed, lots of spot prizes, door prize of 100e, and special celebrity Guests…
TRACTOR/TRUCK RUN John Brennan Memorial Tractor/Truck Run on Sunday 10th November 2024 Registration from 10am Start: Brennan’s yard V92XW7P Finish: Kilflynn Village Followed by Food, Music and Spot prizes in Parker’s Pub and Venue. All Proceeds to Irish Heart Foundation….
DUBLIN MARATHON Congratulations and well done to the Crotta gang of Mike Lynch, Brendan Culhane, Paul Culhane, Maura Barry Aoife Mahony and Cyril Lynch who completed 2024 Irish Life Dublin Marathon on Sunday 27th October. A fantastic achievement folks, No bother…
BAKE SALE St. Teresa’s National School, Kilflynn are holding a Fundraising Bake Sale on Friday 25th October in St. Columba’s Centre, Kilflynn from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Tea, Coffee, Bakes and chats. All are welcome. FASHION SHOW The annual…