Wednesday 29th July at 10.00 a.m.
Saturday 1st August at 6.00 p.m. Cyril O’Connell, Rae, Kilflynn
Streaming Mass
We have changed the company streaming our masses. Please go to, go to Abbeydorney Parish and click on watch live Mass. For parishioners that are using Roku stick on their televisions click into Church media TV & scroll across to Abbeydorney and click into Mass.
Priest on duty in North Kerry Area, Sunday 26th July: Fr. Brendan Walsh 087-7913271
Kilflynn Altar Society for August: Caroline Lynch, Breda Handley
Sincere thanks to all parishioners, who have given weekly envelopes with contributions for the weeks when the churches were closed as well as contributions to priest income for Spring and Easter.
Abbeydorney & Kilflynn St. Vincent De Paul confidential number is 087 7086253
Extract from Bishop Ray’s Message
As Congregations return to Church this week. Please return slowly and be understanding. A warm welcome to all who join us for Holy Mass this first week and weekend with congregations returned. The delight of so many shows an appreciation that it is as vital to nourish the spirit and the soul, as well as the body. We do not face the world on our own, God is with us.
There is upset and disappointment that large churches are restricted to a congregation of 50 people. The hope is that before the end of the month this will change to 100, where social distancing can be maintained.
Return To Public Mass
To facilitate parishioners who wish to attend Mass, a reservation system will be in place for all masses in the parish. Please contact the Parish Office (066 4018996 at these times) to indicate the mass you would wish to attend.
Monday 6.30 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.,
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.
Please note Parish Office will be closed on Friday 31st July.

The fitness Class are back in St.Columbas Centre, Kilflynn on Wednesday @7pm
Block of 6 weeks-40 euro
Prebooking is essential
Text me for more information
Maura 0879384748
#fitnessclass #kilflynn
The Crotta Hurling Lotto Club draw with a Jackpot of €16,500 was held on Monday 27th July in St Columbas Centre, Kilflynn. The four numbers drawn by Independent observer: Clive Putman, Ballyconnell, Kilflynn were 13,14,23 and 29. There was No winner of €16,500 Jackpot.
Congratulations to the following who won €35 in the lucky dip draw:
Michelle Enright, Glenoe, Listowel, Theresa Greaney, Castletown, Kilflynn and D. Mc Grath West Limerick. The next Draw with a jackpot of €16,600 will take place next Monday night 3rd August at 10.30 pm via Crotta Facebook Live. Please note cut off time for entry is 9.30pm on Monday 3rd August .
With current social restrictions Crotta GAA would encourage lotto players to avail of our online facility (see link below). Alternatively tickets are available at Herbert’s Village Store,Kilflynn (Open Daily 4-8pm), Zamzam Kebab, Kilflynn, Abbeydorney Post Office, Foley’s Shop, Lixnaw or by contacting Paddy Weir (087) 415 5821, Paud Tuomey (087) 237 9559 or Mike Parker (087) 979 4541. All Draws will be broadcast live via Crotta Facebook on a weekly basis Monday’s at 9:30pm until our traditional venues for draws are once again available. Play online now . Thank you for your amazing support as always.
St. Vincent de Paul Clothes Bank (located near the small gate at Crotta GAA grounds) has now re-opened. We appreciate all donations and thank you for your continued generous support.
Art Competition. To enter simply draw a picture of how you think Kilflynn Community Walkway will look once completed. (Note: The Walkway will be located around Crotta GAA Pitch, Dromakee, Kilflynn ) Competition is open to boys & girls with prizes for winner at U14, U12 and U8. Once you have completed your masterpiece simply WhatsApp or Message a photo to (087) 672 8090 closing Date for entry is Saturday 15th August with the winners being announced on Sunday 16th as part of the “Everesting” Challenge coverage. Have fun!! & Good Luck!!
Kilflynn Community Walkway
Please donate if you can or Alternatively your can make a contribution at Hertberts The Village Store Kilflynn (4 to 8pm).
Crotta A 5-10 v Ballyheighue 1-01 played in the sportsfield, Dromakee on Friday 24th July.
Crotta B 4-03 to 3-12 Causeway played in Causeway on Friday 24th July.
U14 game was postponed.
Crotta /Kilmoyley 3-10 to Ballyduff 0-22 played in Lerrig on Thursday 24th July
Crotta v Ballyheighue on Thursday 31st July at 6:30pm in Ballyheighue
Crotta v Lixnaw on Saturday 1st August at 5pm in Crotta
Crotta A v Ballyduff on Friday 31st July at 7pm in Ballyduff
Crotta B v Ballyheighue on Friday 31st July at 7pm in Crotta
Senior Ballyheigue v Crotta at 7pm in Ballyheigue on Monday 3rd August.
North Kerry Senior Hurling Championship
As per Government regulations, please note that the maximum number of people that can attend the North Kerry Senior Hurling Championship games over the weekend is 200 people.
Entry to the games will be BY TICKET ONLY.
Tickets will be supplied directly to the Clubs.
Kerry Co. Minor Championship 2020 / Craobh Mionúir Iomána Ciarraí 2020
Abbeydorney v Crotta/Kilmoyley
Ballyheigue v Tralee Parnell’s
Lixnaw v St. Brendan’s
Ballyduff v Kenmare/Kilgarvan. Games played on the weekend of 22nd/23rd August.