Mass celebrated in St. Mary’s Church, Kilflynn
Wednesday 16th December at 10.00a.m
Saturday 19th December at 6.00 p.m. Margaret Leen, England and Knocknakaska, Kilflynn
Return To Public Mass: Welcome back to Mass and to facilitate parishioners who wish to attend Mass, a booking system will be in place for all weekend masses in the parish. Please contact the Parish Office (066 4018996 office hours) to indicate the mass you would wish to attend.
For those who will attend Mass, please note the following:
- Parishioners attending Mass must wear a face covering in the Church.
- Use the sanitiser provided when entering and exiting the church.
- Ushers in the Church will show you to a seat
- Tuesday 22nd December, Abbeyorney at 7.30p.m Family Mass
- Wednesday 23rd December, Kilflynn at 7.30p.m Family Mass
- Christmas Eve, Kilflynn at 6.00p.m Abbeydorney at 8.00p.m
- Christmas Day, Kilflynn at 9.30p.m Abbeydorney 11.00a.m
- St. Stephen’s Day, Abbeydorney at 11.00 a.m Kilflynn 6.00p.m
- Sunday 27th December, Abbeydorney at 10.00a.m
All Mass attendance will be operated on a booking system. Booking can only be made by phoning the Parish Office 066 4018996 on Tuesday 15th, Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December 10.00a.m to 1.00p.m.
Streaming Mass
Mass will be streamed live on, go to Abbeydorney Parish and Click on watch live Mass
We have changed the company streaming our masses. Please go to, go to Abbeydorney Parish and click on watch live Mass. For parishioners that are using Roku stick on their televisions click into Church media TV & scroll across to Abbeydorney and click into Mass.
Masses will be live streamed from Abbeydorney Church.
Parish Office will be open Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10.00 a.m.- 1.00 p.m
Parish office (066 4018996) or email (
Parish Newsletter and Dear Parishioner is available on
Christmas Mass Bouquet and other Mass cards available from the Parish Office

There was No joy in the Joe McDonagh Cup Final at Croke Park on Sunday 13th December, for the Kerry Senior Hurlers but we are all very proud of the Kerry Hurlers and wish to thank you the extended panel, management and back room team for the wonderful boost that you gave to our lives throughout this strange year (Covid-19). Final Score: Antrim 0-22 Kerry 1-17
The Crotta Hurling Club was well represented on the Kerry panel by Seven players Tomas O’Connor (Full Back), Shane Nolan (Centre Forward) Barry Mahony came on a sub in 42 min, Sean Weir Adam O’Sullivan, Donal Hunt and Jordan Conway also members of the panel. We are looking forward to the next hurling season already which won’t be too far away! Our near neighbors Limerick defeated Waterford in the All Ireland Senior Final by 0-30 to 0-19.
The Legendary Sonny Egan, Crotta composed a song for the occasion (Kerry Hurling Song) and performed his newly song for the Kerry Senior Hurlers and their management team before they board their busses in Abbeydorney on Saturday 12th December on their Journey for the McDonogh Cup Final in Croke Park against Antrim. Well done Sonny.
We look forward once again to lighting up our tree under the bridge for Xmas 2020. As a fundraiser for the running costs we will run our “light up a life” campaign. If you would like to have your loved ones remembered whether those unable to come home this Christmas or those deceased, simply donate 5.00 per bulb with the name you wish to include in the list to The Village Shop, Tommy Neenan or any other committee member. You can also donate online to account number..IBAN :IE46AIBK93001603162054.
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and New Year
On Monday night 14th December at St. Columbas Centre, Kilflynn the Crotta Hurling Club lotto draw took place with a Jackpot of 18,500
The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer: Sonny Egan, Garrynagore, Lixnaw were 4,6,13 and 15. There was No winner of €18,500 Jackpot. Congratulations to the following who won €35 in the lucky dip draw: David and Mary Power, Abbeydorney, Mike Slattery and Annette Nolan, Lady’s Walk, Ballyduff and Brendan Clifford, Abbeydorney.
The Next draw will take place at St. Columbas Centre, Kilflynn, on Monday 21st December in compliance with Covid-19 restrictions. Note the cut off for entry to the €18,600 Jackpot draw (online or locally purchased) is 9:30pm on Monday 21st December. Tickets available 3 for €5 online visit or this link or Herberts Village Store, Zam Zam Kabab, Foley Shop Lixnaw, Abbeydorney Post Office, Paddy Weir, Paud Tuomey or Mike Parker. Many thanks to all who contribute to our weekly Club Lotto. The Club cannot emphasise enough the importance of our members promoting the Club Lotto among family, friends and work colleagues. The Covid-19 restrictions have seriously hampered our fundraising and income. The Lotto is now the critical and only source of funds for the Club. We are appealing to all club members to promote our lotto at this time as we are in dire need of funds to keep our club afloat.
St.Teresa’s National School, Kilflynn is delighted to announce that we are currently inviting applications for our 2021/2022 Junior Infant Class. If you wish to enrol your child (who will be four on or before 31st August 2021) a copy of the school’s Annual Admission Notice, Admission Policy and the application Form for Admission for 2021/2022 is available as follows:
- To download at:
- On Request: By emailing or
- Writing to: St.Teresa’s NS, Castletown, Kilflynn, Tralee, Co.Kerry, V92TK61
- Or phone: 066-7135633 for details and information.
Completed forms to be returned by 16 th December 2020 (as per admissions notice)
For many years now, Noreen and Michael Murphy ,Dromakee, Kilflynn, have been decorating the outside of their home, with a spectacular Christmas lights display, last year they decided to try and raise funds for the palliative care unit at University Hospital Kerry,Tralee. This year they will be putting a collection box on the fence outside their house , again to try and raise funds for the palliative care unit, Noreen and Michael , would greatly appreciate any amount you can give, all monies raised will go directly to the palliative care unit, so if you’re passing stop and have a look or take photos if you wanted.
Clothes Bank (located near the small gate at Crotta GAA grounds) is opened. We appreciate all donations and thank you for your continued generous support.
Abbeydorney & Kilflynn St. Vincent De Paul Confidential number is 087 7086253