The Eddie Hayes Ground Hurling U-13 Tournament took place on Sunday morning 24th October in beautiful sunshine at Crotta GAA grounds Dromakee,Kilflynn. Well done to all Seven teams that participated Ballyheigue, Ballyduff, Firies, Ardfert, Kilmoyley, Abbeydorney and the host team Crotta. After three well contested games for each club Crotta & Ballyduff qualified for the Eddie Hayes Cup with Ballyheigue & Kilmoyley batting it out for the Eddie Hayes Shield. Two evenly matched finals saw Crotta and Ballyheigue prevail on scoreline Crotta 2-04 Ballyduff 1-00 (Scorers Fionn Hannon 1-00, Ryan Hurley 1-00, Stephen Shanahan 0-04 Sideline Cuts) and Ballyheigue 2-01 Kilmoyley 1-02. Crotta Captain John Donavon received the Eddie Memorial Cup while Ballyheigue Captain Cody Goggin received the Eddie Hayes Memorial Shield on behalf of their respective teammates. Crotta’s Stephen Shanahan received the Player of The Tournament Trophy for his fantastic display, especially with the exhibition he gave scoring from sileline cuts. The Crotta panel on the day was Stephen Shanahan, Aidan Beirne, John Donovan, Darren McElligott, CIllian Hurley, Adam Corkery, Ewan Somers, Fionn Hannon, Alex Relihan, Ryan Hurley, James Doody, Liam O’Brien, Cathal Dalton, Jack Kelliher, Sean Creighton, Cian O’Connor. Thanks to our three referees John Ross, Tom Godley and Maurice O’Sullivan who did a great job.
Thanks to Crotta GAA for the facilities, Sonny Egan, Noel McGrath and Paul Shanahan for organising the event and ensuring everything ran smoothly.
Thanks to Marie Beirne, Linda McElligott, Brenda Hannon and all who help out with the food today, everybody went home well fed. Finally thanks a million to the Hayes Family for their continued support and help in facilitating this unique and fantastic tournament.

Parker’s Pub, Kilflynn was the venue for the Crotta hurling club weekly lotto draw on Monday 1st November. The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the independent observer: Graham Harris, Clounsillagh, Lixnaw were 8,11, 24 and 26.
There was no winner of the 5,900 Jackpot. Congratulations to the following who won €35 in the lucky dip draw:
Margaret Fitzmaurice, John B Road, Listowel, Mike (Black) Leen, Ardfert and Brendan Culhane, Crotta.
The Next draw will take place in Herbert’s Bar, on Monday 8th November at 10.00p.m in compliance with Covid-19 restrictions.
Note the cut off for entry to the €6,000 Jackpot draw (online or locally purchased) is 9:30pm on Monday 8th November.
Tickets available 3 for €5 online visit www.crottagaa.club or this link https://play.clubforce.com/play_newa.asp?ll_id=427#Anchor or Herberts Bar/Village Store, Parker’s Pub, Zam Zam Kabab, Foley Shop Lixnaw, Abbeydorney Post Office, or from any club officer.
Many thanks to all who contribute to our weekly Club Lotto. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
There will be a Traditional Music Session in Parker’s Pub, Kilflynn on Sunday 7th November at 6.30p.m to 8.30p.m. The monthly traditional music sessions are famous and bring a wealth of musicians and music lovers to the Kilflynn venue. All Musicians are welcome.
Job Type: Community Employment
Job Position: Maintenance Horticulture
Duties: General Maintenance and upkeep of St. Columbas Centre and Grounds Kilflynn, grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting in burial grounds, painting cleaning and washing of centre when required. Keep Kilflynn village litter free, clean and tidy. Weeding of flower beds in the village.
Vacancy Location: St.Columbas Centre, Kilflynn
Application: Contact Paul O’Donoghue, Project Manager on 0667132266 or email pod@lixabbeycommunitygroupltd.ie Proposed Start date 1st November 2021.
Application details: Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 21 years and over and receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 1 year or more and 18 years or over for certain disadvantaged groups. Your eligibility will have to be verified by the department of social protection.
Age Action’s Care and Repair does small DIY jobs, free of charge, for older people to help them maintain their homes and their independence. For details contact Age Action national helpline 0818 911 109 or email careandrepair@ageaction.ie
North Kerry U21 Championship Semi Finals:
Saturday 6th of November:
Crotta O’Neills v St. Brendans at 2pm,
Sunday 7th of November:
Tralee Parnells v Ballyheigue at 12pm.
Bord Iomána Ciarraí Thuaidh
Rhyno Quality Feeds North Kerry Senior Hurling Championship Quarter Final:
Crotta O’Neill’s v Ballyduff at the sportsfield,Dromakee, Kilflynn on Sunday 7th November at 2.30p.m
Tom Healy U15 tournament Crotta V Ballyduff under lights in Abbeydorney On Friday 5th November at 7.00p.m
Congratulations to Crotta player’s Sean McGrath, Gavin Parker, Donnacha Sayers and their Tralee CB.S (The Green) team mates who captured the O Sullivan Cup title after finally seeing off Colaiste Na Sceilge in a thriller on 1-17 to 2-08 scoreline, at Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney on Wednesday 20th October. The victorious panel and their trainers received a warm welcomed in Parker’s Pub on Wednesday night when they arrived with the County title.
The Kilflynn Community Walkway Lights at the sportsfield,Dromakee, Kilflynn will be switched on from Sunday 3rd October. So get your walking shoes ready this Autumn to stay well and healthy. The walkway is open to the public at any time during daylight hours and from 3rd October you can now avail of the floodlighting from 7pm to 9pm 7 days a week. This truly is a fantastic facility for all in our community to avail.
Mass Intention for the week in St. Mary’s Church
Monday 1st November at 7.30p.m All Saints’ Day
Tuesday 2nd November at 10.00 a.m. All Souls’ Day – November List
Friday 5th November at 10.00 a.m. First Friday
Saturday 6th November at 6.00 p.m. Lulu Flaherty, Fahavane,Kilflynn.
Parish Office can be contacted by phone 066 4018996 Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. or by email: abbeydorney@dioceseofkerry.ie
Masses from St. Bernard’s Church, Abbeydorney are streamed live on www.dioceseofkerry.ie, on Sunday at 10 a.m. Go to Abbeydorney Parish and click on watch live Mass.
Kilflynn Eucharistic Adoration recommenced on Monday 4th October (7.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m.)
Kilflynn Altar Society – A short meeting will be held after 7.30 p.m. Mass on Monday 1 st in Kilflynn Church with a view to setting up a new rota for cleaning the church. All help welcome.
Covid-19 Update Religious services and weddings can proceed without capacity limits but with all other protective measures remaining in place as and from October 22nd, 2021. People attending religious services in our church must wear face masks, sanitise their hands on entry and exit from the church and maintain adequate social distancing whenever appropriate. Please continue to follow all of the public health guidance in relation to Covid-19 so as to reduce the spread of the virus.
Well done to the Crotta U15 Hurlers who were in action at the Tom Healy Tournament in Abbeydorney on Friday evening 29th October.
Group stage results were as follows: Crotta 0-5 v’s Ballyheigue 0-5, Crotta 2-6 v’s Templeglantine 2-3, Templeglantine 1-3 v’s Ballyheigue 1-4. These results saw Crotta advanced to group stage final where they met Ardfert. The Final score line read Ardfert GAA 2-7 Crotta GAA 1-2. The Crotta lads now progress as group winners to next Friday nights overall Tom Healy Tournament Semi Final where they will meet Ballyduff at 7.00p.m. Well done everybody.
North Kerry Intermediate Hurling Championship / Craobh Idirmheánach Iomána Ciarraí Thuaidh
Semi Final:
Sunday, 31 October
Crotta O’Neill’s v Abbeydorney
Venue: Dromakee Time: 2.30pm
Training for the Couch to 5km and 10 km commenced in the Community walkway at the Sportsfield, Dromakee,Kilflynn on Sunday morning 3rd October at 10.00a.m
The next training session will be on Wednesday at 7.00p.m and every Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings at 7p.m from October on till St. Stephen’s Day where we will run our 5 km and 10 km. Only 23 more sessions till St. Stephens day. There will be a donation of €2 per night per person. This money will go to the Kerry cancer support group for their bus services everyone welcome
The Kilflynn School of TaeKwon-Do returns on Wednesday, October 6th, in the St. Columbus Centre, Kilflynn.
Class Times
-4.45pm – 5.30pm (3 to 5 year olds).
-5.30pm – 6.30pm (6 to 14 year olds).
For further details contact Wayne on 086 0883595
The local confidential number is 087 7086253.
ALONE manages a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024