

HAPPY EASTER to all readers of the Kilflynn Notes at Home and Abroad.


Due to Covid 19 restrictions and following guidance from Croke Park, this year’s Crotta Hurling Annual General Meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams on Friday 2nd April, 2021 at 8.00p.m and anybody who wishes to attend please email secretary.crottaneill.kerry@gaa.ie or any motions and nominations are need to be submitted to the secretary also.


Kilflynn Community Together and The Crotta Hurling Club are continuing our Community Support Service. If there are any elderly or vulnerable members / friends of our community living alone or cocooning and need anything delivered to your home like Groceries or Medication or any other essentials over the coming weeks please contact contact the Kilflynn Community Together phone on 087-1122828, the Crotta GAA/Kilflynn Community Together will then send someone out to you. As a community Let’s look out for each other. Our Volunteers are Garda Vetted and all enquiries are treated with strict confidentiality. Please keep safe, and as a community we will beat this virus.


It’s that time of year again when the registration process needs to be completed and the membership fees fall due.

  • Non players must be paid up by 31st March.
  • Players must have paid 3 days before a game or training season for registration and insurance purposes.
  • A new club policy introduced this year is No Pay, No Play. This policy is to ensure that our players are covered in the event of injury

Please contact club officers or check out www.crottagaa.com for more information


In conjunction with Trocaire Lenten campaign 2021 Fergus O Sullivan with his Father-in-law Deacon Thady O’ Connor have recorded a hymn “We Need Jesus Now More Than Ever.”  It’s a spiritual vaccine for our time. Ring Fergus on 087 6988929 or call to Abbeydorney Post Office for you copy.  All the proceeds go directly to Trocaire. Give Locally Help Globally. Thank You.


The funeral mass for the late Tom and Betty Murphy, London and Garrynagore, Lixnaw will lived steamed on Wednesday 31st March at 10.00a.m Church of the Transfiguration, Kensal Rise | Facebook page. We offer our sincere sympathies to the relatives and friends of Tom and Betty. May the rest in peace.


Due to current Covid-19 guidelines, The Crotta sportsfield, Dromakee, Kilflynn was the venue for the Crotta hurling club weekly lotto draw on Tuesday 30th March. The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer: Graham Harris, Clounsillagh, Lixnaw were 7,14,21 and 23.
There was no winner of the 2,800 Jackpot. Congratulations to the following who won €35 in the lucky dip draw: Phil Hanafin,Leith East, Tralee, Sharon Quilter, Mountcoal,Listowel and Michelle Enright, Glenoe, Listowel.  Due to level 5 Government restrictions The Next draw will take place at The Crotta sportsfield, Dromakee, Kilflynn, on Tuesday 6th April in compliance with Covid-19 restrictions. Note the cut off for entry to the €2,900 Jackpot draw (online or locally purchased) is 9:30pm on Monday 5th April. Tickets available 3 for €5 online visit www.crottagaa.club or this link https://play.clubforce.com/play_newa.asp?ll_id=427#Anchor or Herberts Village Store, Zam Zam Kabab, Foley Shop Lixnaw, Abbeydorney Post Office, Paddy Weir, Paud Tuomey or Mike Parker. Many thanks to all who contribute to our weekly Club Lotto. The Club cannot emphasise enough the importance of our members promoting the Club Lotto among family, friends and work colleagues. The Covid-19 restrictions have seriously hampered our fundraising and income. The Lotto is now the critical and only source of funds for the Club. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.


Masses and Intention for the week in Abbeydorney Go to Abbeydorney Parish and click on watch live Mass
Tuesday 30th  and Wednesday 31st March at 10.00 a.m.
Thursday 1st   March at 7.30 p.m.    Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday 2nd March  3.00 p.m. Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 7.00 p.m. Stations of the Cross
Saturday 3rd  March 7.30 p.m. Easter Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection
Sunday  4th March at 10.00 a.m.  Denis Shanahan & Paddy Lynn, Abbeydorney
No Masses in Kilflynn.  Churches open for private prayer
Public Masses from St. Bernard’s Church, Abbeydorney are streamed live on   www.dioceseofkerry.ie, on Saturday at 6 p.m. and on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Parish Office can be contacted by phone 066 4018996  Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10.00a.m. to 1.00 p.m. or by email: abbeydorney@dioceseofkerry.ie

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
The normal schedule of Confession in churches has ceased for the time being.  Bishop Ray Browne has informed the priests of the diocese that we may give the opportunity for Confession at this time, in an open space in the church, while taking account of the advice about hygiene, social distance etc.  I will make myself available for Confession (or a brief conversation, if desired) in Abbeydorney Church this Sunday (4.30 – 5.30 p.m.) and at the same time on Good Friday at the top right hand of the sanctuary (near organ).  Fr. Denis O’Mahony

Praying Sunday Mass Online
As we gather at home for our Sunday Mass celebrations online, these are some suggestions that might help our prayer-time: Create a sacred space where you will sit to attend Mass e.g. using a crucifix or candle or icon, just like you might do if preparing for a house Mass.  Invite family members to name a prayer intention that everyone will pray for during the Mass. Stand to hear the Gospel or to join in praying the Our Father, just like you would in church. We are reminded of the words of Jesus – ‘Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst’.  We remember that Jesus Christ is present in our homes as we pray at Mass together.

Easter Mass Bouquet Cards and a selection of other Mass Cards available from the Parish Office Phone 066 4018996


The powers that be in Croke Park have thanked all clubs for their on-going patience in relation to the continued enforced delay in the resumption of GAA activities. They have provided us with a brief up-date on the position with regard to covid-19.
They say that 2021 has already felt like a long year without any on field activity to sustain us. However, the reality of the pandemic and the continuing spread of the virus means that we are likely to have to persevere for a little longer before anything like our normal level of activity can resume.
In terms of the immediate future, it is expected that the Government will publish any proposed changes to the current restrictions by the end of this week and they will communicate again with our Clubs and Counties at that point in terms of the implications for GAA activity. In the interim, they again reiterate that the GAA has not decided on what competitions may or may not be facilitated in any revised national fixture programme for 2021.
As they have stated previously, such decisions will be a factor of how much time is ultimately available to them, both for an inter county season and for the broader participation levels that will be necessary for a meaningful club season at both adult and underage level.   Let’s hope the rumours that children will be allowed to return in the coming weeks hold true.
We urge all younger players to keep practising their drills every day as return to play cannot be too far away.  Players should especially focus on their skills.  Lots of material can be found online especially on Youtube also the Club Coaches have sent links for training sessions on line.

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